Interwil subscribes to the balance between worldwide forest management and rational economic and socioeconomic objectives. It therefore strongly supports procurement sourced from countries that adhere to sustainable forestry principles. This contributes to the management of forests as a valuable and renewable resource and the protection of forest areas as a habitat for wildlife.
As subsistence communities proliferate globally, the practice of shifting cultivation is becoming more widespread, and forests’ intrinsic ability to heal themselves are coming under increasing pressure. Ironically, the logging industry has become the saviour of many of the world’s rain forests by preventing indiscriminate felling and providing alternative employment to subsistence farmers.

When timber leaves an FSC®-certified forest, the FSC®, ensures that companies along the supply chain meet their best practice standards also, so that when a product bears the FSC® logo, you can be sure it’s been made from responsible sources. In this way, FSC® certification helps forests remain thriving environments for generations to come, by helping you make ethical and responsible choices at your local supermarket, bookstore, furniture retailer, and beyond.
As a part of the chain from source to final destination, Interwil has chain of custody certification. To understand this better the FSC®explains this as follows.
A lot can happen to a product between leaving the forest and arriving in the consumer’s hands. From processing to manufacturing to distribution, wood and other forest products go through a complex supply chain. FSC® chain of custody certification verifies that FSC®-certified material has been identified and separated from non-certified and non-controlled material as it makes its way along the supply chain from A all the way through to B.